View: Will rich nations distort WTO?

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Developed countries aim to reshape the institution to favor their interests, impacting dispute resolution, decision-making, and negotiations..

Developing countries must safeguard their interests and prevent the dominance of plurilateral agreements.Reuters..

The US and the European Union are leading the charge to make fundamental changes on how disputes are resolved in WTO, how member countries take decisions, how the agenda of the negotiations is decided and the ability of member countries to remain in control of how the institution is run..

Unheard-of concepts, such as responsible consensus, are being crafted to dissuade the dissenting developing countries from going by the rulebook.. Further, under the rubric of deliberative function, developed countries are seeking changes that will allow them to initiate discussion on new issues, even if all members do not agree to ita requirement under the existing rules..

The task for India and many other developing countries at MC13 is clearprevent developed countries from deforming the rules-based WTO into a power-based system, tailored to suit their commercial interests...