World's population has passed 8 billion: US Census Bureau

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The human species has topped 8 billion, with longer lifespans offsetting fewer births, but world population growth continues a long-term trend of slowing down, the US Census Bureau said Thursday...

The bureau estimates the global population exceeded the threshold on September 26, a precise date the agency said to take with a grain of salt...

The United Nations estimated the number was passed 10 months earlier, having declared November 22, 2022, the Day of 8 Billion, the Census Bureau pointed out in a statement...

Fertility rates, or the rate of births per woman of childbearing age, are meanwhile declining, falling below replacement level in much of the world and contributing to a more than 50-year trend, on average, of slimmer increases in population growth...

Only about 4% of the worlds population lives in countries with fertility rates above 5..

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