Five specific sins; seven treasures of a king: Words by the numbers in Asia

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In Vietnam, for instance, there is the trinity of fundamental societal bonds referred to as am-cuong: prince and minister, father and son, and husband and wife..

In Tulu, spoken widely in Karnataka, pancamahapataka is the term for a set of five very specific sins considered to be the greatest: murdering a Brahmin, stealing gold, drinking alcohol, seducing the wife of ones spiritual mentor, and associating with a person who has committed such sins...

Haft rang is the Persian term for the seven colours of the heavenly bodies: black (from Saturn); brown (Jupiter); red (Mars); yellow (the Sun); white (Venus); blue (Mercury); and green (the Moon)..

Ashtng in Hindi indicates a prostration in salutation or adoration, that involves touching the ground with the eight principal parts of a person, which include, rather poetically, knees, hands, feet, chest, eyes, head, words and mind...

In Turkmenistan in 2002, then-President-for-life Saparmurat Niyazov launched a campaign to rename the days of the week and months of the year after heroes from the countrys past..