Conduct survey to identify families sans power connection: UPPCL

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The UPPCL chairman has issued guidelines for the survey and stated that documents such as family registers and ration card details should be used to identify families..

Suspecting that many households in the state are consuming electricity through katiyas (illegally drawn wires) or using one valid electricity connection for more than one premises, the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL) has ordered a state-wide survey to identify families without a valid connection and persuade them to subscribe to one.. n)..

Willing students and self-help groups should be roped in and their teams constituted to conduct the family survey after DMs hold meetings with principles of the concerning inter colleges, ITIs, polytechnics etc and 100 per new power connection issued after the survey should be given as an incentive to students, electricity sakhis, self-help groups involved in the survey, the order said...

The survey teams will check if a household has a formal power connection and if it is found to have one, no further action needs to be taken, it said..

One, the family may not be using power at all, second, it may be using a katiya connection to draw power illegally and third, more than one household may be using electricity illegally through one formal connection, the order pointed out..