Exclusive: AI will lead to IT companies needing 70 per cent fewer people, says former HCL CEO Vineet Nayar

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Industry veteran and former CEO of HCL Vineet Nayar says that AI tools will surely impact jobs in coming months and years...

Leaving behind existing employees with five, ten or 15 years of experience, who may come at a higher cost, and opting for fresh graduates to train them on AI skills which may seem like an easy, low-cost way out Nayar says would be unethical, and may have a negative impact on Indias IT sector few years down the line..

Letting go of existing staff and hiring fresh graduates at low cost, would be unethical and disastrous for India, he says.. Nayar suggests that IT companies in India should focus on up-skilling and carrying their existing employees with them..

If companies re-engineer and re-calibrate employees to higher order skills, then I believe IT companies will have the resources to re-skill existing people, he says.. Nayar adds: The ethical thing for companies to do is carry their employees along with them, predominantly because if they were not making profits, it was understandable..

With AI, Indian ITs will get very close to the customers customer, therefore our relevance will increase, we will be in the board rooms, we will be far more strategically important for our customers we will not be this back office boy who just cuts chords, he says.. But the key to utilise AI better would depend on how well Indian IT companies upskill their existing workforce..