Key Points
The winter season, with its cosy sweaters and hot chai, also unfolds as a hotbed for respiratory illnesses only to invade the bodys defenses..
In the chill of winter, as the world outside wraps itself in a blanket of frost, our respiratory systems often find themselves in a different kind of battle...
It showed that the nose deploys defences against common respiratory viruses, including two rhinoviruses (frequent causes of the common cold) and a coronavirus (though not the one that causes Covid-19)...
In 2015, a research team from Yale University used mice to demonstrate that rhinoviruses are better at replicating in colder temperatures because antiviral immune responses arent as strong under these conditions.. s.. . Research from the National Institutes of Health has also shown that influenza viruses are better at spreading in chilly climates. ..
Lesser flow of wind: The flow of wind is also quite low in winter leading to increased stability of pollutants and viruses in one place and more inhalation of these spores leads to more illnesses...