Cold plunging every day has really helped my anxiety

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I started cold plunging about a year ago and have been doing it almost every day.I started with an inflatable tank, and once I was hooked, I upgraded to a proper tub.Once.

As soon I clicked on a post, I was treated to a feed of strangers in tubs of ice water surrounded by snow, sipping their morning coffee and espousing the virtues of the cold plunge..

I live in Maine, where it's still cold in mid-March, and the hose water was a brisk 42 degrees.. e to avoid buying ice for weeks, I thought, since the idea is always to keep the plunge tub at a certain temperature...

Despite my affection for the cold waters of Maine where I regularly swim on days that others would not consider my first plunge was a shock..

Keeping the water crystal clear and cold has been easy, and although the tub is expensive, it's worth it for someone serious about carrying on with this fad, which I definitely am..