White Paper: From 2G to land for jobs, Modi govt lists all 'UPA scams'

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"There was pervasive corruption in various government activities, including in procurement, allocation of natural resources, and regulatory approvals..

Coal Block Allocation: This financial scandal involved irregularities and corruption in allocation of coal blocks by the government to private companies for captive use, leading to an estimated loss of `1.86 lakh crore to the exchequer, as estimated by the CAG31..

Charge-sheets were filed in 8 cases which are under trial in courts of Delhi.2G Telecom: This involved a loss of about `1.76 lakh crore of potential revenue to the government, as estimated by the CAG (at the rates paid for 3G spectrum)33..

The scam unfolded in 2013 when the group collapsed, leaving millions of investors in financial distress.INX Media Case: This case involved money laundering and irregularities in foreign investment approval for investment into a media company..

Investigation is underway.Allotment/Release of Prime Land in Panchkula and Gurgaon: These are multiple cases relating to release of prime land from acquisition in connivance with the private builders and allotment of industrial land to close associates..