My OB-GYN focused more on my ability to have sex postpartum than my health

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Weeks after I gave birth, my doctor said sex was OK, but I was focused on how painful pooping was.When it comes to maternal care, mothers are taught how to care for babies but not for themselves.This is an adapted excerpt from "Mom Rage: The Everyday Crisis of Modern Motherhood" by Minna Dubin...

Before I left the hospital with a challah-sized Ollie in my arms, none of the staff mentioned to me that my poop would likely turn into jagged fossils that would claw my insides on the way out..

Not to get too graphic though motherhood is a messy, bloody, shit-filled experience but I was still bleeding out of both holes at my six-week postpartum appointment, which was when my male doctor cheerfully announced I was cleared for sex with my husband, Paul..

If the baby is healthy, American moms are booted from the hospital a couple of days after birth with some boat-sized maxi pads and the promise of a forthcoming bill..

Each step on the motherhood journey is another piece of evidence that mothers' well-being is at the bottom of the culture's priority list from prejudiced, substandard prenatal and postpartum care with abysmal maternal health outcomes, to no federal family leave, to inaccessible mental health treatment, to the lack of affordable early childcare education, to inadequate public schools particularly for marginalized kids and families to the childcare black hole every day after school from three to six o'clock and all summer long...