Empowering India & the world: The Economic Times remains the undisputed leader in business & financial new

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The true numbers paint a picture already known to business news consumers for decades: Your very own EconomicTimes.com is the go-to website when it comes to business, markets and financial news not just in India, but worldwide...

Comscore data for December 2023 shows that when it comes to the number of Unique Visitors looking for quick, detailed yet credible coverage of news across business, markets, personal finance and economy, The Economic Times website is the definitive leader in India and for readers in other prominent countries like the United States of America...

The Economic Times website saw 32.86 million Unique Visitors in the month of December 2023 for the audience in India and from the USA, trailed by Moneycontrol.com and Livemint.com who settled for 30.65 million and 27.77 million viewers respectively...

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