The United Nations Wants to Treat AI With the Same Urgency as Climate Change

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A United Nations report released today proposes having the international body oversee the first truly global effort for monitoring and governing artificial intelligence...

The report, produced by the UN secretary generals High Level Advisory Body on AI, recommends the creation of a body similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to gather up-to-date information on AI and its risks...

The report calls for a new policy dialog on AI so that the UNs 193 members can discuss risks and agree upon actions..

Youve got an international community that agrees there are both harms and risks as well as opportunities presented by AI, says Alondra Nelson, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study who served on the UN advisory body at the recommendation of the White House and State Department...

But it also comes as major powersespecially the United States and Chinajostle to lead in a technology that promises to have huge economic, scientific, and military benefits, and as these nations stake out their own visions for how it should be used and controlled...

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