Post New Year detox: Expert tips for cleansing body, bouncing back from hangover

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If you have been bingeing for days now, it's time to focus on unprocessed foods, proper hydration and add lots of fruits and vegetables to your diet..

In case, you are suffering from hangover blues on the next day of partying hard, you must focus on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, drink plenty of water and restore your electrolytes..

After days of consuming high-calorie foods, alcohol and long hours with friends with little sleep, the body surely demands rest, rejuvenation and detoxification.(Freepik).

Incorporate light exercise, like walking or yoga, to stimulate circulation and support the body's natural detoxification processes," says Sadia Sana, Senior Dietician, CARE Hospitals, HITEC City, Hyderabad. ..

To restore your body's electrolyte balance, try sipping on a glass of coconut water or an electrolyte energy drink or a simple glass of lime water with sugar and salt that will instantly replenish the electrolyte stores of your body!.