More Indians are seeking moksha through science. Medical colleges have surplus corpses now

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But back then, in the year 2000, even doctors were full of phobias about the request, said her son Priyadarshi Mitra...

In a country where persuading people to donate even their eyes and organsremains a struggle, these donors are bequeathing their entire bodies to medical colleges as canvases for young doctors to master their life-saving craft...

The Parashar Foundations initiative, Organ Receiving & Giving Awareness Network (ORGAN) India, for example, hosts anonline directorywith information about medical colleges and body donation centres across India where individuals can register to donate their bodies after death...

In Gujarat, Dr Shailesh Patel, professor and head of the anatomy department at the Government Medical College (GMC), Bhavnagar, attributed the improved numbers of body donations to the diligent efforts of organisations like the Red Cross, which also facilitate the connection of donors with medical colleges...

The institution is well-equipped, with a four-body capacity mortuary, an embalming room, and two tanks.However, this year, it has not accepted body donations as the anatomy department had to relocate temporarily to a less spacious area due to monsoon-related damage...