Now, a 'Bank Clinic' to guide you on complaints

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Bank employees have come together to launch a complaint redressal platform - Bank Clinic - to guide retail customers about their rights and remedies...

Within five days, the platform will inform the customer of the regulatory guidelines regarding the matter...

The Bank Clinic is an initiative by the All India Bank Employees' Association (AIBEA) to help customers address their grievances amid rapid expansion in technology and a series of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines on retail banking...

A customer can fill out the details of her/his complaint, create a ticket, and receive a reply in five working days on the remedies available and information on what the RBI guidelines prescribe on that matter...

Rajkiran Rai, chief executive of the National Bank of Financing Infrastructure Development (NaBFID), while inaugurating the event, said: "I remember the days when they (AIBEA) were against technology, so we had to give two increments extra to put the first computer in the bank..