How to know if getting back with your ex is a good idea, according to a therapist

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Key Points

Consider whether you want your ex back for comfort, or if they add something to your life you can't find anywhere else...

If you're considering getting back together with an ex, you should reflect on what will be different moving forward before you jump back in, according to Mark Williams, a licensed therapist who works with the relationship-coaching app Relish...

If you don't want to fall into the same relationship problems you did the first time around, Williams said you and your ex have to have an honest discussion about what went wrong, and explain how each of you worked to better yourselves since the split to prevent recurring problems.. Williams said couples who fight or end things often have differing communication styles, and never learn how to talk to each other in a healthy way...

"In many cases when you start looking at it, it's like [each partner is] trying to win the argument and neither one is listening to the other, or trying to understand, or come to some resolution, because they're both so invested in their own side," he said.. Previous infidelity, addiction problems, and feelings of jealousy and resentment are other issues exes who are reconsidering their relationship should consider before getting back together, Williams said.. "If two people love each other and they both are committed to making things work, to changing, or working on their own individual issues, there's a good chance that they could work things out, but each person, I believe, has to take responsibility for whatever their part was," in the initial breakup, Williams said.. Make sure you want to get back together because your ex adds something special to your life, not because of loneliness..

"Sometimes it's hard to date, and you think you're comfortable with that person, or maybe it's easier to get back with that person than to try something new," Williams said...