I'm 36 but an AI test told me my 'face age' is three years older

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A new tool from the biotech company Novos uses AI to guess your "facial age.".

Tests that predict your lifespan or judge your looks can be fun and motivating, but aren't gospel...

The test, from longevity researcher David Sinclair's startup Tally Health, told me my body was aging poorly, and that even though I eat well and exercise regularly, I have the "biological age" of a 42-year-old instead of the 36-year-old I am..

The test, from anti-aging biotech company Novos, uses AI to "visually measure your facial age.".

And who's to believe when there's not only great variation between companies' assessments (one death calculator told me I'll live well into my 90s, which will be tough if I'm already nearing my wrinkle capacity, per Novos), but also between images of the same person?..