The Quest for Longevity Is Already Over

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Robine is a demographer and longevity researcher, and in his home country of France alone there are 30,000 centenarians; 30 times more than there were half a century ago..

Then theres the International Database on Longevity (IDL), a dataset that includes people living and dead who reached the age of 105 and beyond, which Robine helped set up in 2010..

The sheer fact that its hard to generate reliable death rates past the age of 110 tells us everything we need to know about the upper limit on human longevity, he saysthe fact there are so few supercentenarians tells us weve already reached the upper limit to human longevity..

Healthspanyears lived in good healthmight be the unsexy cousin of longevity research, but figuring out ways for people to live healthier lives could have a much greater impact than extending lifespan by a few years..

In England, the National Health Service automatically calculates frailty scores for everyone aged 65 and over, with the aim to help people live independently for longer and avoid two major causes of hospital admissions for older people: falls and adverse responses to medication...