Are you a rapid ager? Biological age is a better health indicator than the number of years you’ve lived, but it’s tricky to measure

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Almost everyone experiences these kinds of signs of aging..

Biological age is a more accurate measure of health span, or years lived in good health, than chronological age, and doesnt directly correlate with wrinkles and gray hairs..

With the unprecedented growth of the worlds aging population, I believe that figuring out ways to measure biological age and how to maintain or delay its advance is critical not only for individual health, but also for the social, political and economic health of our society...

Researchers have found that environmental and lifestyle factors heavily influence biological age, including social connectedness, sleeping habits, water consumption, exercise and diet...

Although newer studies on the effects of diet interventions such as intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding on longevity have not been rigorously tested, they do show multiple health benefits, including better glucose and insulin regulation While genetics is difficult to control, diet and exercise can be modified to delay biological aging...