Patchy Maharashtra rains may hit your kitchen budget

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Drought-like conditions in Maharashtra could squeeze the supply of key kitchen staples such as onions, pulses, sugar, and fruits and vegetables, pushing up their prices and threatening an inflationary spike..

According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), while overall rain in Maharashtra during the monsoon was normal, it was deficient in many regions such Marathwada, Madhya Maharashtra and North Maharashtra...

"The farmers who used to plant onions on five acres, have reduced the area to just about two acres due to the shortage of water," said Rahul Jadhav, proprietor of Rahi Natural Seeds in Satara...

"We are trying to connect the farmers who want to sell their onion saplings due to lack of water with those who could have water and want to plant onions," said Bharat Dighole, president, Maharashtra Onion Growers' Association...

After tur, production of which is expected to decrease due to the deficit monsoon rainfall in Maharashtra and Karnataka, chana is also expected to get hit...