George Soros: Agent of chaos who funds regime changes?

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Billionaire-philanthropist George Soros, who is in the eye of the storm in India over his remarks on the Adani-Hindenburg row, has faced charges across the world for his alleged role in backing and funding regime changes..

Soros, who has spent billions to "tackle the spread of nationalism" and on strengthening democratic forces through his Open Society Foundations, has faced charges across the world for his alleged role in backing and funding regime changes...

From an alleged attempt at ousting Russian President Vladimir Putin to destabilising the European Union through mass migration, to backing Arab Spring protest groups, George Soros and his Open Society Foundations has been branded as 'agents of chaos' by governments and rival groups...

The biggest and most frightening setback occurred in India where a democratically elected Narendra Modi is creating a Hindu nationalist state, imposing punitive measures on Kashmir, a semi-autonomous Muslim region, and threatening to deprive millions of Muslims of their citizenship, Soros had said, according to media reports...

Citing DCLeaks document dump, Sputnik claimed that Open Society Foundations and George Soros were "using his wealth and influence to sow chaos across the world in a bid to profit off of global suffering and impose neoliberal ideas on an international scale"...