George Santos is not a pathological liar, according to the psychologist who wrote the book on pathological lying

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Christian L. Hart co-wrote the definition on pathological lying in 2022..

Hart said pathological liars feel bad about their lies, and it creates anxiety..

George Santos, who has been charged with lying to Congress, doubled down on his claims...

"They're having negative thoughts and they don't want to feel that way."The lies cause dysfunction in their lives, disrupting their social life, work life, and so forth."Lastly, it puts them at some sort of risk, whether it's risk of losing opportunities, risk of harm, or death in some cases," Hart said.George.

"If someone is lying pervasively, the core of it may be that they're trying to conceal their true self because they see themselves as being not very valuable or desirable," Hart said.. Lying is also common in people who display what are referred to as dark triad personality traits: narcissism (an inflated and entitled sense of self), Machiavellianism (seeing other people as tools to get what you want to get out of life), and psychopathy (a callous disregard for others)...