'The problem with soldiers—you don't ask for rewards', politician told an Army general

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One Thursday morning in November 2004, the telephone operator put through a call to the general and said, Call for you, Sir, from some political person...

The political person handed the phone to one of his staff members, who said, Sir, you were just speaking with the General Secretary of the National Party for Democracy..

The person at the other end of the phone seemed to suggest that it was the general who wanted to see this political person, which was not the case, but it was possible that the person speaking to him at the moment could not express himself appropriately..

After obtaining permission from the director to meet this person, the general rang back and said, Yes, the appointment has been cleared for 11 a.m..

The General Secretary seemed to read the generals thoughts and said, I consider you to be a war hero, Sir, and would like to honour you, as well as some other service personnel and civilians who have done much for the country but have never been suitably rewarded...