I'm in a bilingual marriage and age has made things a bit tougher

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My husband speaks French and I speak English, and we live in Tel Aviv.I joke that we speak "Fringlish," a mix of French and English.We were determined to raise our children bilingually...

At home, my Strasbourgeois husband and I speak "Fringlish," our ad-lib language: a little bit of French and an abundance of English..

From the beginning, we spoke French, thanks to my mother, who enrolled me in a program in my Northern California hometown, my host family's race-car-fast French during my junior year of college in Paris, and my polyglot coworkers at the European Jewish Congress, where I worked after college..

In California and committed to raising bilingual children who could connect with their faraway grandparents, we indoctrinated our children with French videos, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes..

That's until, at some point in my home country, as my husband grew more comfortable with English and I lost my doggedness for French, my lingo usurped his...