The world is seeing huge transitions — these will reshape our approach to development: Achim Steiner

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Let me start by juxtaposing two ways of looking at development, which are also inextricably linked to UNDPs own evolution..

Over 30 years ago, a number of leading economists, including Amartya Sen, Mahbub ul Haq and others, began to work on the Human Development Report this was an attempt with UNDP to look at human progress and development through measures other than growth..

We needed to look at indicators like human capabilities, freedom, agency, etc., as well as how development is shaped by education, health, income distribution and other enabling factors for people to succeed.. Recently, weve added another element, which is the Planetary-Pressures Adjusted Human Development Index this reflects how you can even grow an economy to a point where it could collapse because of an ecological crisis..

It is fair to say that our financial and economic systems are still built around GDP growth but this is also increasingly being challenged, including by the UN Secretary-General who, for the Summit of the Future in 2024, has made Beyond GDP one of the central reform agenda items..

Think of our ability, as seen during the pandemic, to very swiftly use data, identify the most vulnerable people and establish a digital platform for cash transfers as an essential temporary income there are realms of possibility now which didnt even exist until a few years ago..

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