If you avoid speculation & leverage, even God cannot sink you! Activity in portfolio not a friend of wealt

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Raamdeo Agrawal, Chairman & Co-Founder, Motilal Oswal Group, says there is no quick and easy money in the market..

If you want to turn your Rs 1 crore into Rs 10 crore in 10 years, it is possible..

Raamdeo Agrawal: He must have had something in his mind looking at the guy or looking at the industry in which he is operating or maybe the entrepreneur himself is telling what he can do in the next 10 years and he believes in that, which other people in the market may not believe..

Raamdeo Agrawal: Yes, that will be passive but they will make far more money than active and smart guys on the market because they will be buy and hold..

Raamdeo Agrawal: Yes, that marriage between where you stand and where you want to go, that merging and the bridge is created with the help of compounding..