As drought breeds hunger in Guatemala, farming program aims to help

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SAN AGUSTIN ACASAGUASTLAN, Guatemala, Aug 23 (Reuters) - D rought and crop failure are a pervasive threat in Guatemala where hunger and malnutrition run rampant, particularly in rural areas - a reality that international aid programs are trying to curb...

Workers from the U.N.'s World Food Program are aiming to train people in Guatemala's rural countryside on sustainable farming practices to help combat malnutrition...

Guatemala straddles a region known as the Central American Dry Corridor where, over the past decade, droughts have been longer and more severe, and extreme weather events like hurricanes have been causing widespread damage...

The World Food Program training emphasizes the use of innovation and anticipatory actions to minimize damage to crops and food sources, enabling community farms to endure difficult weather challenges and continue producing...

"We do see some improvements ... it is an excellent model that, even in terms of permeation, is an example for other countries that are also facing challenges from climate change," said Tania Goossens of the World Food Program in Guatemala..