Indian govt needs to trim citizens' waist size for the sake of economy

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For women, it has increased from 20.6% (NFHS-4) to 24.0% (NFHS-5), the survey stated.. . Unhealthy diets, excessive social media usage, prolonged screen time, and sedentary lifestyles are increasing the risk of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers..

Neelam Mohan, senior director and head of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and liver transplantation at Medanta Medicity, highlighted the importance of government intervention in combating obesity effectively: Govt involvement is crucial in driving the momentum needed to combat obesity effectively...

Gyani advocates for starting with BMI awareness and then promoting better dietary habits, physical activity, and reduced screen time.He flagged the importance of ongoing awareness efforts about health issues, including stroke, cervical cancer vaccination for women, and annual vaccinations...

However, Gyani stressed the need for promoting awareness about BMI as a crucial next step, explaining that when BMI surpasses 25, individuals are at higher risk of health problems, with a BMI over 30 indicating obesity...

He called for stricter regulations and guidelines on advertising harmful products.In summary, the Economic Survey 2023-24 and various expert opinions underscore the critical need for India to address rising obesity and unhealthy lifestyles to harness its demographic dividend and ensure long-term economic growth...