'Weakened' Modi's budget 'doles out pork' & jobless 'get some love' — global media

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The report, A weakened Narendra Modi subsidises jobs and doles out pork, says that Budget 2024 is not like the interim budget, introduced by Modi 2.0 before the Lok Sabha election with the sureness of victory...

The interim budget had focused on trimming the fiscal deficit and improving infrastructure more than welfare, but Budget 2024 allocated $24bn for creating jobs over the next five years and introduced a scheme to provide internships to 10 million young people, with the latter borrowed from the Congress partys manifesto...

The Budgets push to reduce unemployment, an issue brushed aside for years, and projects favouring Bihar and Andhra Pradesh is one of the most concrete indications so far of how Modi plans to accommodate voters concerns and BJP allies, Bloombergcorrespondents Dan Strumpf and Ruchi Bhatia write in their report, Modi budget prioritises jobless voters who spurned him at polls...

Unlike in the previous two terms when Modis personality cult was employed to deflect attention from problems, Modi 3.0 is responding to political pressure. Hes even prepared to borrow a leaf from the opposition parties playbook to execute a policy U-turn, columnist Andy Mukherjee writes in aBloombergopinion piece Indias jobless are finally getting some love and money...

The Washington Postreport,Indias indie films win awards abroad but find no space in theatres at home, highlights a paradox in the Indian film industry independent films are winning top awards at international festivals and gaining traction in theatres across the United States and Europe but struggle to find an audience in India...