Army’s proposed 360-degree evaluation isn’t the best move. Take lessons from civil services

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Taking a leaf out of the civil services reforms process, the Army has initiated a radical new proposal for its much analysed Annual Confidential Report system...

Similar to the system used to evaluate the performance of civil servants, including the All India Services officers, the Army HQ has initiated a proposal that seeks to bring a 360-degree appraisal method for its personnel..

The other proposal being considered is the upgradation of the current peer group evaluation system which is in practice in Category-A training institutions, wherein officers are randomly assessed by their equals, even if they are from the other services..

The civil services have implemented their own 360-degree system for officers being empanelled to the post of Joint Secretary and above..

This is what makes the Army HQs initiative strange since the civil services system only kicks in during the Joint Secretary empanelment..