As India grapples with EU carbon tax, renewables could help cut heavy industries' emissions quickly

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New Delhi: As India continues to negotiate with the European Union (EU) on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) a tax that will be imposed on carbon-intensive products imported to the EU a report released Wednesday by Ember, an energy think tank, has found that using renewable energy can reduce the heavy industries sectors total carbon emissions by as much as 17 percent by 2030...

The sector can decarbonise its entire electricity demand by 2030 with 120 GW of renewable energy, according to the report titled Green electrification of Indian industries for clean energy gains...

CBAM is the worlds first carbon tax, set to be implemented by the EU, on imports of iron, steel, aluminium and petrochemicals, collectively known as the heavy industries sector..

The Ember report finds that the electrification needs of the heavy industries sector, however, can be met with renewable energy sources, and says that this would significantly reduce the sectors emissions...

In 2022, 175 TWh (terawatt hours) or 11 percent of the total energy consumption in the heavy industries sector was met with electricity, which can be replaced with renewable energy sources as an easy decarbonisation route, the report said...

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