Snake that eats its own tail, for ever and ever

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Key Points

Robert A Heinleins mind was a playground of paradoxes, time loops, and mind-bending ideas that continue to warp the brains of his readers to this day...

But Heinleins ideas arent confined to the realms of science fiction alone: The popular adage There aint no such thing as a free lunch (TANSTAAFL), communicating the idea of opportunity cost, is central to his 1966 novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, and predates the Milton Friedmans Theres No Such Thing As A Free Lunch by 10 years..

Among his most iconic works is the short story All You Zombies, a mind-bending exploration of time travel pondering on the question: What if you were your own mother, father, son, and daughter?.

Now, if that sounds familiar, youve watched the 2014 Spierig brothers film Predestination, where Heinleins legacy overcomes the confines of the written word and makes a leap to the big screen..

Whether youre a die-hard Heinlein fan or a newcomer to the world of time-travel paradoxes, whether you believe in free will and moral dilemmas, and whether you encounter this puzzle as a short story or as a film experience, its bound to stick with you long after the credits roll (or after you turn the last page)..