Indian political parties have ignored PwDs in their poll campaigns. They're a vote bank too

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Hiding his disability was the only way to make the world focus on his abilitiesa price he paid as he moved up the political ladder..

However, with no major state introducing the legislation, the Centre stepped in to bring the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 (PwD Act 1995) based on Indias endorsement of the Proclamation for Disability at the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific held in Beijing in December 1992..

Indias2.21 per cent population is living with disabilities, as per the 2011 Census.However, this figure grossly underestimates the true extent of disabilityprevalent in the countrydue to outdated counting methodologies..

A staggering88.4 lakh voters with disabilitiesare going to exercise their democratic rights in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.The Election Commission of India has also introduced an important initiative of enablinghome voting for PwDsto make the electoral process more inclusive and accessible..

If 2024 will be remembered as the year whenpeoplewith disabilities voted inIndias general elections,lets hope thatby2029, political leaders with disabilities leave a mark in the history of our democracy through meaningful parliamentary representation...