Delhi author talks of spiritual awakening. Scottish guru, milking cows played a role

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New Delhi: Tending to cows, churning butter, and carrying headloads of compost to the fields this is not a glimpse intoafarmersdaily struggles, but a leaf from the life of author Madhu Tandan, who lived at a monastery three decades agoand has just released her second book on the subject...

When she was in her 20s, Tandan took the unconventional decision of abandoning her comfortable Delhi life to stay at a Himalayan monastery with her husband, Rajeev..

The couple embraced the simple life there for seven years..

Twenty-seven yearsand a few other bookslater, Tandanhas reprised her ashram memoirsinA Way Within: Seven Years in a Himalayan Ashram,published by Speaking Tiger..

To have a husband who was your ally, your fellow traveller, and spiritual companion is the wonderful part of this journey, she said.. And then, Tandan again turned to her gurus words: Ashishda said, if youcannot make a relationship, how can you look for anything beyond that?..