For Smarter Robots, Just Add Humans

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The company also believes that this might provide a way to train robots how to perform tasks that are currently well out of their (mechanical) reach, and imbue machines with a physical sense of the world some argue is needed to unlock human-levelartificial intelligence...

Industrial robots are powerful, precise, and mostly stubbornly stupid..

The aim is ultimately to use data from humans teleoperating the robots to teach algorithms to do more tasks autonomously..

The OpenAI Startup Fund believes in the approach and impact that 1X can have on the future of work,Brad Lightcap, OpenAIs COO and manager of the OpenAI Startup Fund says.. The ALOHA teleoperation system.Courtesy of Tony Zhao/UC Berkeley..

Finn, an assistant professor at UC Berkeley, recently shared details ofa fascinating research project that involves using machine learning to allow cheap teleoperated robot arms to work smoothly and accurately..