Dinosaurs smart reptiles but not as intelligent as monkeys, findings contradict earlier ones

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In a study published in January 2023, neuroscientist and author Suzana Herculano-Houzel of Vanderbilt University, US, had said that brains of theropod dinosaurs, a species of which is T. rex, had neurons comparable to those in the brains of monkeys and baboons...

Dinosaurs like T. rex, or Tyrannosaurus rex, had an exceptionally high number of neurons, which would make these animals not only giant but also long-lived and endowed with flexible cognition, and thus even more magnificent predators than previously thought, the author wrote in the study published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology...

In the latest research, an international team of palaeontologists, behavioural scientists and neurologists re-examined the brains of dinosaurs, including T. rex, and found them to behave more like reptiles...

Neuron counts are not good predictors of cognitive performance, and using them to predict intelligence in long-extinct species can lead to highly misleading interpretations, said study author Ornella Bertrand from Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, Spain...

The research follows along the lines of decades of analysis in which palaeontologists and biologists have examined dinosaur brain size and anatomy, and used these data to infer behaviour and lifestyle, the authors said.. Information on dinosaur brains comes from mineral fillings of the brain cavity, termed endocasts, as well as the shapes of the cavities themselves, they said...

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