The smart choice? The health benefits of switching to a dumb phone

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"When the work-from-home culture enveloped the world, digital burnoutphysical and mental fatigue due to prolonged screen time, broadly speakingfollowed right behind..

After a decade or so of the digital revolution and two years of pandemic-driven workspace evolution, exhaustion, anxiety, a general loss of interest, and loss of sleep are at an all-time high..

Going grayscale a popular dumbing down strategy that involves turning on the black-and-white mode on your phone strips away the hormonal shift, disengaging our brain from the subconscious decisions that company logos and colors impose on us, adds Ghosh..

Other popular dumbing down strategies include removing entertainment and accessibility apps to avoid using the phone for streaming, online games, and shopping..

Psychologically, high screen time has been linked to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as decreased social skills and communication abilities..