Scientists Crack a 50-Year Mystery to Discover a New Set of Blood Groups

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There were many challenges in the process of confirming the role of the MAL gene, including a study by rival researchers that suggested a completely different gene could be responsible..

Thornton chimes in: But we were convinced we were right...

First, following painstaking efforts to find antibodies that would react with it, they established that the crucial AnWj antigen (encoded by the MAL gene) was indeed present on the surface of most peoples red blood cells..

Now that they know the gene in question, it should make it much easier to find AnWj-negative people who could become blood donors so that, if people affected by this blood group ever need a transfusion, they can have one safely...

Tilley, Thornton, and colleagues were also responsible for discovering the genetic basis for the 44th blood group system, called Er, in 2022, as well as the MAM blood group system in 2020, among others..