Top five job portals you can rely on to get a job offer

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We have listed some highly popular job search portals that you can rely on to gain a competitive edge and strengthen your chances of getting hired.. 1) LinkedIn With millions of users across the globe, LinkedIn undoubtedly is one of the most powerful networking and job search platforms..

Moreover, its features such as job search filters, open to work hashtag, InMail, Linked Learning, message editing, liking and commenting on posts, and recommendations can cater to your requirements such as applying for jobs, establishing a network and upskilling yourself through short-term courses.. 2) Indeed Another highly renowned job search platform with a global presence is Indeed..

As a jobseeker on Indeed, you can upload your resume, add a cover letter, check companys reviews, compare salaries, use filters to search for jobs, take online assessments, and use its messaging service to connect with employers..

Like its competitors, also provides more than 500 online courses and well-designed certification programs to make it easier for candidates to acquire the in-demand domain-specific as well as soft skills.. 5) HerKey Formerly recognised as JobsForHer, HerKey is Indias largest one-stop place designed to support a womans career journey..

Although it started as a platform to assist women in re-entering the workforce after long career breaks, it has now transitioned into a portal where women can find incredible job opportunities, pick courses to upskill themselves, connect with mentors, and accelerate their overall growth process..