More people dying from lack of access to antibiotics. It is leading to rise in drug resistance

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For more than 80 years it has been understood that if we dont use antibiotics more responsibly and dont continue to develop effective new ones, drug-resistant infections will begin to get the better of us..

According to a new study published inThe Lancet, the number of people who die from drug-resistant infections, already in the millions but remaining relatively flat for more than three decades, is now expected to start rising steeply..

As a result, more people are dying from a lack of access to effective antibiotics than from drug-resistant infections, which in turn is helping to accelerate the rise and spread of drug resistance...

But even when they are developed, most people dont have access to them.Fewer than halfof the new antibiotics that entered the market between 1999 and 2014 were made available in more than ten countries, mostly wealthy nations..

We also need to ensure that new antibiotics continue to be developed that are effective against Gram-negative bacteria to replace those lost to resistance and make sure people get access to them..