Childhood anxiety: Common causes, coping strategies for parents and children

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Discover the hidden causes fuelling childhood anxiety in your children and check out these coping tips to help your kids overcome it..

Childhood anxiety can happen from various things and all of them are interconnected but differ from one child to another hence, parents need to understand its cause and techniques to cope with it..

This mental health issue is becoming increasingly common, with stressors like academic pressures, social challenges and family dynamics playing key roles so, it is crucial for parents to help their children manage anxiety for their mental health and resilience...

Genetic factors: Anxiety or mental health issues run in the family.Environmental factors: Environmental factors include traumatic or stressful experiences, schedule adjustments, and family disputes.Personality traits: Children who are inherently more sensitive or perfectionistic are examples of personality traits.Developmental Factors: Typical developmental phases, such as the start of school or puberty, might set off anxiety.Habitual.

Then go and consult with a mental health professional.Limit exposure to stressors: Try to keep away the children from content that creates anxiety and help them manage their anxiety whether it is created by academic pressure or social interaction...