Do not ignore sports-related injuries in kids

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As many children take to sports, inspired by famous sportspersons, sometimes the intense training and continuous hard work during their growing years can create problems in the form of injuries...

After examination, I found she had Osgood Schlatters disease, a relatively benign, self-limiting disorder that usually affects kids going through growth spurts who use their knees a lot to run, jump or play sports, causing strain at the growing end of leg bones..

Due to growth spurts, children are more vulnerable to certain types of sports injuries, open-growth plates (areas of developing tissue near the ends of long bones), and their natural tendency to push their physical limits without understanding the consequences...

This kind of injury usually needs surgical intervention, followed by an aggressive rehab protocol (which again, children ignore to their peril), if the child wants to play competitive sports again..

Even the ankles of young jumpers and shoulders of adolescent throwing athletes (javelin, discus throwers and boxers) suffer such ligament damage, with many of them ignoring the first incident, and only seeking medical advice and treatment after multiple episodes of so-called repeat injury, which, in fact, is instability of the joint due to lax or torn ligaments...