Read aloud with newborns, young kids for lifelong benefits: Researchers

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A team of US researchers on Sunday encouraged parents and caregivers to read aloud with their newborns and young children as an opportunity to foster loving, nurturing relationships during a critical time of brain development...

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended that paediatricians support families with guidance and books at well-child visits, according to an updated policy statement, marking the first update in AAP recommendations since 2014...

Given the extraordinary amount of research in this area, an accompanying new technical report reviewed the evidence for shared reading as a way to strengthen and nurture relationships, stimulate brain circuitry and create early attachments...

Reading together with young children weaves joyful language and rich interactive moments into the fabric of daily life, said Perri Klass, MD, FAAP, lead author of both statements...

They should develop skills to discuss with parents strategies for mutually joyful and developmentally appropriate reading activities and encourage meaningful, language-rich engagement with books, pictures, and the written word, and model techniques to prompt reciprocal, responsive and positive experiences...

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