Beware of recruitment fraud! Why Infosys is discontinuing issuing job offer letters to new recruits through emails

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s.. Infosys, one of India's leading software services companies, has implemented a new hiring process that eliminates the practice of sending. and attachments to new recruits via email..

Instead, the company now requires candidates, including both freshers and laterals, to access their job application details by logging into Infosys' internal system...

Recruitment vendors working with Infosys, who wished to remain anonymous, suggested that the new approach is designed to curb. while making it slightly more challenging for candidates to engage in window shopping and negotiate with competing employers...

Infosys has also cautioned about the increasing instances of recruitment fraud on its career website. fake job openings. or contacting job seekers with fraudulent offers...

They pointed out that virtual hiring practices during the pandemic resulted in many IT companies discovering that unsuitable candidates had received offer letters..

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