This Ultrasound Bra Could Detect Cancer Sooner

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In 2015, Canan Dadeviren was working as a postdoc at MIT when she learned that her aunt, Fatma, had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer..

At her aunts bedside, Dadeviren sketched an idea for an electronic bra with an embedded ultrasound that would be able to scan breasts much more frequently and catch cancers before they got the chance to spread...

But the ultrasound patch Dadeviren and her team createda palm-sized, honeycomb design, made with a 3D printerconforms to the shape of the breast, and captures real-time data that could be sent directly to an app on a womans phone..

Instead of having one data point about your breasts every two years, if you scanned every day with a device like Dadevirens, you could have 730 data points to work from, with the potential to catch malignant lumps much sooner..

To begin with, Dadeviren wants the technology to be made available to high-risk women like her, who have a family history of breast cancer..

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This Ultrasound Bra Could Detect Cancer Sooner

16, Jan, 24

Inspired by her aunt’s battle with cancer, Canan Dağdeviren developed a wearable ultrasound monitor that can screen women between regular checkups. She says it could save 12 million lives a year.