Munger, Kissinger and rat-miners have pushed trust back into the spotlight

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The demise of two elderly and renowned statesmen, and the re-entry of the term rat-miners to our quotidian vocabulary has re-introduced the unquantifiable quality of trust into our daily conversations..

Even regulators across different sectors seem to have woken up to the potential of this attribute..

Over the past week, two stalwarts Charlie Munger from the imperfect world of stock-picking and Henry Kissinger from the complex and amoral universe of international relationspassed away at ages 99 and 100, respectively..

One of the quotes, and its impossible to remember the exact wording in the constantly shifting timeline of social media platforms, has Munger saying that during interviews, he laid greater store by a potential employees trustworthiness over his abilities or qualifications..

In the financial sector, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been expressing concern over regulated entities paying greater attention to customer acquisition over customer service; the central bank has been signalling the virtues of customer service to its regulated entities..